What are the reasons for a gambling addiction? Like a former gambler and mental health counselor, I’ve done lots of research on why people create a gambling problem. What I’ve discovered is the fact that there’s several reason for gambling addiction which although you should be aware of cause, the answer is a lot more important.
Here are the many reasons for gambling addiction:
o Gambling is exciting as the gambler is within action. The adrenaline high seamless comfort, which is really simple to get hooked on these “feel great” chemicals within our brain.
o Gambling compulsively may fill a void for most people having a gambling problem. This void might be in lots of regions of a person’s existence. Poor social existence, loneliness, job dissatisfaction, empty-nest syndrome, monotony, and insufficient purpose all can lead to some gambling addiction.
o A large win in the casino may be the worst possible event for anybody having a tendency for addiction. The adrenaline a lot of an enormous jackpot can fuel future addiction like jet fuel inside a plane. Most, if not completely people hand back the winnings using their jackpot, and even more money too.
o Avoid emotional discomfort and mental distress may also fuel a gambling disorder. This is also true for “escape gamblers” who mostly play slots, lottery, or take part in online internet gambling.
o For “action gamblers”, the longing for action and feeling necessary for others can fuel a gambling addiction. Action gamblers are mainly male and therefore are usually sports betters, poker players, and race track gamblers.
o The excitement of “fast money” can fuel a gambling addiction, particularly if the gambling addict includes a lengthy string of wins at the outset of their gambling career.
o Individuals with anxiety and/or depression have show a powerful tendency for gambling problem along with other addictions.
o Individuals with first degree relatives having a gambling addiction possess a more powerful tendency to build up this addiction themselves.
These a few of the overall reasons for a gambling problem, however, there are lots of more too. Additionally, each unique individual may have different causes of getting an issue with gambling, with no two situations are identical.
The most crucial factor, however, is the fact that once a few of the reasons for a gambling problem are in place, the individual seeks immediate help for problem.
The solutions, including abstinence from gambling, specialist help, and organizations, self-care, and changes in lifestyle are most significant in reclaiming ones’ existence from the gambling addiction.